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Teamwork Pulls Off Epic Union Pacific Englewood Yard Project

While much of the world was winding down for the year, a Union Pacific team in Houston was gearing up to end 2020 with a bang – installing a new master retarder in Englewood Yard on Dec. 29 in close to eight hours. Read more


'Mother MABAS': Motherload in Emergency Relief

The statewide fire mutual aid network developed in Illinois is expanding into neighboring states including Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, Wisconsin and Indiana. While first responders give peace of mind to communities and individuals, they’ve endured uncertainties when it comes to their own peace of mind since the start of the pandemic. Read more


Houston Railroaders Deliver Toys for Tots

Houston and Gulf Coast-area Union Pacific employees swapped out their conductor caps for Santa hats at their annual Toys for Tots drive. Read more


With COVID-19 and Homelessness on the Rise, Arizona Org Helps Save the Family

Based in Arizona, Save the Family provides a number of housing interventions for homeless families coming from emergency shelters, but equally as important, it provides support programs that help people get back on their feet. Read more

2019 Building America Report

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This report details our progress in key areas supporting social, economic and environmental sustainability pillars: operating safely, strengthening communities, engaging employees and protecting the environment. We also summarize our 2019 financial performance. Read more.

Jobs at Union Pacific

Home Goods

Union Pacific is accepting applications for positions in several locations throughout its 23 state territory.

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