How A Business Email Address Can Attract More Customers

The Best Email Marketing Strategy for For Your Business Ask any reputable digital marketing agency what the most important tool available to businesses is and they will almost always rank email marketing as one of the top strategies a local business can use to increase profits. Why eMail Marketing? Well, for starters, email marketing has. Contest – Create a contest as an incentive to collect emails. For example, add each new signup into a draw for a free appetizer or dessert each month. Choose one of the above options or create your own idea and give customers something in exchange for their email address and you’ll see your conversion rate go up. For example, if you’re targeting a group of customers who’ve had a negative experience, you can tailor your email message to say “Give us a second chance” or “We’re sorry — and we’re ready to make it right.” Use a strong subject line. 2 days ago When you create business website, you attract more potential customers to your business and make more money. How does a business website help you attract more potential customers to your business? People looking for products or services to meet their needs go online to search for merchants offering what they seek to buy.

Every once in a while, a few email subscribers stray. It’s natural. But that doesn’t mean they’re gone forever. You can recapture their attention and business with targeted, personalized win-back email campaigns.

Existing customers convert more often and have a higher average order rate than first-time buyers. That’s an excellent reason to try to bring them back with emails. But what should you say in those email messages? Here are four tips to help you craft irresistible win-back email campaigns:

1. Give them an offer they can’t (or won’t want to) refuse

Come up with a compelling offer based on what’s important to your customers. For example, customers who typically place large orders might be enticed by free shipping on any size order. Another idea is to give it a sense of urgency. Encourage customers to come back sooner rather than later by creating deal deadlines.

In the following example, Sephora entices their beauty-conscious customers to shop by offering them free shipping and bonus products that will make them even more gorgeous.

Subject line: EXTRA! EXTRA! You deserve extra ????

Nothing grabs customers’ attention like a discount, especially if you’re a cash-strapped teen. In the example below, Pottery Barn | teen uses a 20% discount to wake up sleepy subscribers.

Subject line: We miss you! Come back and SAVE 20%

2. Add a personal touch

Include content that is relevant to customers, such as product recommendations based on past purchases, offers that appeal to them or emails triggered by their behavior.

In the example below, the customer was interested in the Riptide TFN Pod Starter Kit Bundle but didn’t end up purchasing it. So, VaporFi decided to nudge the customer to make the purchase by featuring that product as the deal of the week.

Subject line: Still Thinking About It?

Everyone likes a celebration, right? Reconnect with customers by sending them an email on their birthday, their email sign-up anniversary or another special day. Whether you offer them a free gift or savings on their next order, customers are likely to appreciate and engage with it.


In the example below, Indo Restaurant & Lounge uses the customer’s name and details about his email anniversary to speak to him directly, and then offers a sweet reward to entice him to come back.

Subject line: We Want to Say Thank You

3. Appeal to the FOMO

The fear of missing out (FOMO) is no joke! If customers haven’t visited your site for a while, you should email them to let them know what’s new and to get back on their radar.

In the example below, Claire’s piques customers’ interest by inviting them to look what they’ve been missing and reinforcing the company brand and values. Claire’s also offers a nice discount to jolt them into action.

Claire’s: Look what you’re missing! Come back for 30% off!

4. Ask customers to update their email preferences

People change, and so do email preferences. If you notice a group of customers are inactive, send them an email asking them to update their preferences. It’s a great way to re-engage with customers. Wondering how to phrase it? Let them know your emails are going unopened, tell customers what they’re missing and ask them to update their preferences. If they unsubscribe, you’ll eliminate an email address that’s otherwise negatively impacting open rates on your campaigns.

Bonus tips

Segment your list

Before you send out your win-back campaign, you’ll want to segment your email list and pinpoint customers who haven’t opened your recent messages. That way, you can be sure that you send the right message to the right customer. For example, if you’re targeting a group of customers who’ve had a negative experience, you can tailor your email message to say “Give us a second chance” or “We’re sorry — and we’re ready to make it right.”

Use a strong subject line

Your win-back email is only as good as its subject line, so take the time you need to create a short, snappy one. Appeal to your customers’ emotions and tug at their heartstrings to win them back. Here’s some inspiration to help:

  • Was it something we said?
  • Where Have You Been?
  • Is this goodbye?
  • We miss you!
  • Come back and save.
  • Let’s catch you up …
  • It’s been awhile

Vary your content

One of the best ways to keep customers coming back is to prevent them from leaving in the first place. To do that, it’s best to send a variety of emails.

From newsletters to promotional offers, you want to keep customers interested. Here’s a quick list of popular emails to send:

  • Newsletter: A newsletter keeps customers in the know. From company news to upcoming events, you decide what to share with your customers
  • Educational email: Teach your customers something about your product or service with well-written educational emails
  • Welcome email: Once a new customer places an order or signs up for your email list, send them a little note to welcome them to your crew
  • Promotional email: Encourage customers to place an order with a promotional email

It’s a fact of life that customers may stray. But with the help of these tips, you can create engaging win-back email campaigns that bring them — and their business — back to you.

Get expert tips and email inspiration delivered to your inbox every two weeks.

Editor’s note: This article was originally published in 2014 and has been rewritten for accuracy and relevance.

© 2019, Contributing Author. All rights reserved.

These email templates have made an impact on our bottom line, and now they’re yours.

Our earliest customers.

The first influencers who would help us successfully launch our blog.

Our biggest integration partners.

Nearly every single big win we’ve achieved that relied on getting somebody else to do something…

…they all started with an email.

Of course, there’s more to getting what you want than simply sending emails. There’s plenty of background work.

But the fact remains that asking for right things, the right way, can take you very, very far.

In preparing this post, I—and a couple of teammates—searched our “Sent” folders for dozens of keywords that would suggest we were emailing to make a request of someone, and we came up with thousands of results.

We’ve always tried to share as many of our successful emails as possible, not only for transparency’s sake, but because our content is that much more valuable when anyone reading it can simply take the email we used, drop it into their own email composer, do a bit of personalization, hit send, and achieve results.

Today, I’m going to share our best scripts that have helped us with everything from marketing to partnerships to product development and more.

Note: 8,000+ growing businesses use Groove to engage with customers at scale. All without breaking the bank.Start your free trial today! (No credit card required)

17 Email Templates That Have Helped Us Grow Our Business

Check out the screenshots of the scripts below or grab the word-for-word scripts (that you can copy and paste) using the form at the top of this page.

Content Marketing Email Scripts

1) Topic Development Script

Not sure what to write about? The most effective topics are those that are pulled out of your readers (i.e., what they already want and need), versus those that are pushed on them (i.e. what you think they should read about). Use this script to pull great topics from your audience, whether they’re existing customers or not.

2) Influencer Outreach Script – Initial Email

It’s no secret that influencer outreach has been key to the growth of this blog. Use this script to reach out to influencers to get help with your content (and set yourself apart from the 99% of marketers who simply email with an ask “for a quick share”).

3) Influencer Outreach Script — The Ask

Google Business Email Address

After getting feedback on your content, come back with an ask.

4) Guest Post Pitch Script

Guest posting gives you access to large new audiences that others have spent years building. Use this script to build those relationships.

5) Email Subscriber Onboarding — Welcome Email Script

How A Business Email Address Can Attract More Customers Email

When a reader subscribes to your email list, your email autoresponder becomes responsible for nurturing them into customers. The first email should set their expectations for what they’ll be receiving from you, include a few personal touches, and show them how to unsubscribe.

6) Email Subscriber Onboarding — Email 2 Script

The next day, send an email with a link to your most popular posts. This makes it easier for someone new to your blog to dive in and start with the content that others have found most valuable.

7) Email Subscriber Onboarding — Email 3 Script

A few days later, follow up with links to some of the guest posts you’ve published elsewhere around the web.

8) Email Subscriber Onboarding — “Sell” Email Script

Finally comes the ask. Reiterate the value that you’ve delivered over the past couple of weeks, explain what your business is and does, and invite the subscriber to engage.

Note: Is your business growing? Groove is perfect for teams that have outgrown email for customer support. Sign up for a free trial today! (No credit card required)

Customer Feedback and Product Development Scripts

How A Business Email Address Can Attract More Customers Service

9) Customer Development Script (For Potential Customers)

When you’re first starting to build your business, use this script to validate your idea, collect feedback and better understand how to build the right solution for your market.

10) Customer Development Script (For Existing Customers)

If you already have a customer base, then use this script to set up calls with your customers to ensure that you’re keeping their real needs—and not just your assumptions—front and center.

11) Customer Welcome Email Script

This email goes out to every single person that signs up for Groove. The insights we’ve gotten early on from the responses have been game-changing. We’ve been able to transform our messaging based on what we learned is most important to new customers, and we’ve been able to build deeper relationships with those customers by helping them with whatever unique goals or challenges drove them to sign up.

12) Customer Exit Survey Email Script

Customers that are on their way out the door can offer incredibly valuable insight into what you can do better. Use this simple email to collect useful feedback.

How A Business Email Address Can Attract More Customers Perceive

You might also find useful:

Customer Testimonial Email Scripts

13) Customer Testimonial Pitch Script (Open-Ended)

Business Email Address Examples

Testimonials are a powerful marketing tool that give you credibility and help your prospects determine if your product or service is right for them. This script is useful when you’re looking to collect general testimonials.

14) Customer Testimonial Pitch Script (Pre-Written)

This script, on the other hand, is designed for when you need a testimonial to speak to a specific feature. If you feel that your customer doesn’t have much time or isn’t too comfortable writing, consider this approach instead.

Crisis Communication Email Scripts

15) Product Outage Email Script — Initial

Free Business Email Address

Extended downtime is one of the toughest and most nail-biting experiences for any tech business. It hurts, but how you come out on the other side comes down to how well you communicate with your customers during the ordeal. Here’s how we first reported on one bad experience two years ago to our customers:

16) Product Outage Email Script — Update

Send constant updates until the issue is resolved.

17) Product Outage Email Script — Final

And be sure to follow up once you’re back up with a deep, heartfelt apology and clear plan forward.

How to Apply This to Your Business

Sending effective emails is a critical part of doing business online. I hope that by pulling back the curtain on some of the emails that have worked best for us, this post helps you save time and get better results in your own email efforts.

Note: Groove’s simple customer service software makes it easy to engage with customers everyday. Sign up for a free trial to delight customers and grow your business.

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