How To Create A Custom 404 Page

Get to know how to set up a creative and stylish 404 custom page. Thanks to JetThemeCore plugin, you can create its template in a blink of an eye.

Select Site Options at top ribbons, find parameters named vtifilenotfoundpage, if you don’t have it, please create a new one. In Value filed, type the path of the custom 404 error page you created, such as screenshot below: 6. Click OK and Apply, now if User type wrong link under the site, he will be redirect to the customized page. Create a new site page in a site collection by Site contentsSite pagesnew page. Named the page like “404notfound.aspx”, customize the page with images, styles and layout you like. Open SharePoint designer 2013(you may download it from the link: Download SharePoint Designer 2013), sign in designer with your account.

If there is a broken link on your website, or if you’ve changed the address of the page, the 404 error often occurs.

Even if there are no broken links on your website, the user can mistype the address and still see the 404 error. That is why it is a good idea to provide your website with a user-friendly custom 404 page.

Fortunately, with JetThemeCore, which is included in Crocoblock subscription you can easily create a custom 404 page with Elementor. Keep reading to learn more about creating a custom 404 page with Elementor.

Creating a custom 404 page using Elementor

1 Step — Go to your WP Dashboard and click Crocoblock > My Library.

2 Step — Here open the Single tab and click the Add New button in order to create a new template.

3 Step — Give it a name in the Template Name field. Let it be 404 page. Click the Create Template button to proceed.

4 Step — Then, click the gear icon in the bottom-left corner of the screen to open the single page settings.

5 Step — Open the Conditions block and in the General drop-down choose Singular.

6 Step — The next step is to select the 404 Page option in the Singular drop-down.

7 Step — Build your 404 page with all the available widgets and it’s done!

Besides, you are able to use other plugins for creating a custom 404 page. If you use JetThemeCore for Elementor, you can set up an attractive 404 page without any difficulties.

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Introduction: Custom 404 Error Page in PHP

Every website gets the occasional, frustrating Error 404: Not Found. And if you have your own website, you may wish to customize these error pages. Thankfully, it's not that hard to do. Your error pages may be of any extension you want. Usually, they are written in SHTML. But SHTML isn't very dynamic in terms of what can be done with it. So I went over to PHP for my error pages. The coding wasn't hard either. So let's begin.

Step 1: Requirements

If you have a website, your hosing server should have PHP installed. If not, ask your server's admin if they would be kind enough to install it. If you are just screwing around wasting time, you need some type of emulator. If you're on Windows, use easyPHP for this. If you're on Linux and can spare the resources, get: apache2 and php (for Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install apache2 php). If you're on mac, I have no idea what you can use.
Once you meet these requirements, go to the next step.


How To Create A Custom 404 Error Page Php

Step 2: .htaccess

How To Create A Custom 404 Page

How to create a custom 404 error page in
As stated on the cover page, your custom error page(s) can have any extension you want. But you can't use it if your server isn't told to use it. This is where .htaccess comes in. .htaccess is a file named, well, '.htaccess'. This file can be used to configure your site to certain degrees. What we will do is go ahead and point the 404 error to 404.php (which, ironically, doesn't exist yet). This will be a hidden file (every file that begins with a dot is a hidden file). So make sure you can view hidden files. In this file, write the following code and save it:
And while you're at it, if you feel like it:
How To Create A Custom 404 Page

Step 3: 404.php

How To Create A Custom 404 Page
And the actual error page. I'm going to ignore the whole 'let's follow standards' thing I usually do. The reason I chose PHP for the error page is because you can figure out the source of the error to an extent; you can see if the missing page was typed in the address bar, if it was a link on your site, or if it was a link on a different site. This is achieved by parsing a server variable. You can also parse a couple other server variables and see exactly what was put into the address bar. For this ible, we will only grab the requested page and the referrer, if any.
The line above will tell the visitor that the page they want, along with the page's path (preceded with a slash), does not exist. It's helpful to tell the specific page because the hyperlink they followed, if they followed, may not reflect the page's path. The next code will grab if there was a referrer and who it was.
On my site, I told the user one of three things to do as per the code. If the referrer was my site, email me and let me know. If the referrer was on a different site, email them and let them know. If they types randomly in the address bar, stop doing that.

How To Create A Custom Error Page

Step 4: Testing

First, go to your site like normal. It should show up normally. To test if your .htaccess is being read, insert random junk anywhere inside it and save it. Reloading the page should give a 500 error. If not, make sure your site is set up to use .htaccess files (I just had to edit my server's config files to get it to work). If it still don't work, try deleting all the blank spaces and reinserting them.
Else, undo the junk and re-save it. Now try to visit a non-existent page. You should see your 404 page. Add a few dead links on your site and try to follow them. You should end up with the same 404 page but with different content. Add a dead link to another website and the 404 page will have different content.

Step 5: Files

Here are the files used in this ible. Edit as desired/required.

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