Seating Chart App Free

The term “classroom management” implies a process used by teachers to ensure students are learning during instruction even while disruptive behavior is occurring. Teachers use a variety of strategies and techniques to prevent distracting behaviors or to impose consequences for said behavior. Classroom management has become increasingly more important as the stakes continue to rise for students to score better and achieve higher. At the same time, management has become more difficult during the technology-rich era of instant gratification.

Enter classroom management technology. These web-based programs and apps allow teachers to take the burden off of classroom management and focus on instruction.

Without a seating chart, some tables may be left half-empty while others might have guests squeezing together so they can stay with their friends, family and plus-ones. As useful as seating charts are, a lot of people may be tempted to skip it altogether just because creating one can be a laborious process. Seating Chart Maker is a simple program that takes all of the hassle out of creating seating charts, even letting users account for troublemakers when making seating decisions. Create 1 Seating Chart; Print a Seating Chart 1 Time; Please feel free to continue trying the software. Once you purchase unlimited access to School Seating Charts, you will immediately be able to create any number of layouts, rosters and charts and print any number of charts.

Google Classroom – Google Classroom is a platform for teachers to create, distribute, and grade assignments paperlessly. Students can receive assignments and other information with their device or desktop. You must have a Google Education account to use this program and sign up is free.


Edmodo – Edmodo is a secure, social learning platform for teachers and students. Teachers can share information, post assignments, and store vital information for parents and students to access. It is similar to Facebook but a controlled environment that is school appropriate.


Too Noisy – The Too Noisy App ($3.99) is a noise level meter that tracks the sound level in the classroom. The app will indicate noise level increases beyond the acceptable level.

The Great Behavior Game – For K-5 students, the Great Behavior Game rewards students for displaying on-task behavior during instructional times. Monitor student progress, generate and print reports, and send home weekly progress reports.

Teacher’s Assistant – “Document student behavior and communicate with parents. Teacher’s Assistant helps you track behavior, notice trends, communicate with parents, and manage your students.” You can create categories to monitor recurring behaviors like talking, bullying, etc. It also allows you to log positive behavior. Try the free version (iOS) or upgrade to Pro on iPad, iPhone, and Android.

Class Dojo – Encourage positive student behavior using a virtual reward system. Using private, digital student portfolios, students can showcase their work for their parents to see. Teachers can share photos, videos, announcements, and message parents. Class Dojo can translate into any language. Download the app for use on your device or log in using your desktop computer.

Teacher Kit – This is great for K-12 and beyond. Manage multiple classes and students simultaneously. Log student attendance, record grades, track behavior, create student seating charts, and print and share reports. You can download the app on your device or use Teacher Kit on the web.

Learn Boost – LearnBoost allows teachers to create and manage lessons, track grades, share student progress with parents, and monitor attendance in a secure platform.

What is your favorite classroom management program or app?

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This is a simple browser-based tool that you can use to generate and print semicircular seating charts. Have fun!
Load saved chartSelect a saved chart from your computer:
You may also input a code manually

Chart code:

Sorry, your browser does not support Canvas. :(Sorry, your browser does not support Canvas. :(

Papercutbe tech help. Notes (to appear below printed chart)

Enter number of chairs per row:
New! Partial rows / hide chairs. How?

Row 1: Edit labels

Row 2: Edit labels

Restaurant Seating Chart App Free

Row 3: Edit labels

Row 4: Edit labels

Row 5: Edit labels

Row 6: Edit labels

Row 7: Edit labels

Row 8: Edit labels

Straight rows: 0 Games unblocked games crew one piece.

Click the chart to toggle stands
Seat size: 100%

Chart title:

Custom Chair Labels: Row
Enter one label per line.
Labels will be applied left to
right (as seen from the front).

Label size:

Chair Colors

This screen allows you to set
chair colors (for example, by section).

  1. Choose a color from
    the palette below
  2. Click a chair to assign
    the selected color

Advanced: You can change the interior color
of the chairs by right-clicking them

A few years ago, my dad, an elementary school band teacher, asked me if I could create atool that would make it easier to create seating charts. I though it sounded like a funlittle exercise, so I did.

Much to my surprise, it's become quite popular among those who I can only assume are teachersof the musical persuasion, getting on average 1,000 visits per week from dozens of different countries.And I think that's pretty cool!

- Brad Greco


When you print the page using the print link or your browser's Print command, everythingon the page except for the chart will be hidden automatically. For best results, print inlandscape mode.

Options for removing the extra information on the page (date, URL, page number) can be foundin your browser's print settings.

Partial rows / hidden chairs

Chairs may be hidden or shown by clicking on them. Hidden chairs are indicated by a largegrey square on the screen, but will be completely hidden when printing.

To create a partial row, first create a full row with more chairs than you need and then hide some of the chairs.

Music stands

Wedding seating chart app

Stands will be displayed when the show music stands checkbox is selected. The small grayboxes indicate where stands can be placed, click inside these boxes to turn the stands on or off.The boxes themselves will be hidden when printing.

To create a row with only music stands (for percussion, etc), first create a normal row andthen hide all the chairs by clicking on each one.

Custom labels (names) on chairs

To create custom labels on chairs, click the edit labels link beside each row. Each line of text thatyou type in the text box will be displayed over the a chair in the selected row (left to right). To restore thedefault numeric labels to a row, click its edit labels link and delete all text from the text box.

Coloring chairs

To set colors for chairs, first click the edit chair colors link. Select a color from the palette, and clickon the chairs one at a time to make them the selected color. Use the checkboxes above the palette to control whetherto color the chair outlines, labels, or both.

If you want to change the color of the interior of the chairs, right-click on each chair after choosing a color.The checkboxes have no effect on the interior color.

Saving and sharing charts

If you want to save your chart settings to use later, click the save this chart link at the bottom.A file containing the chart data will be saved to your computer. Next time you want to return to your savedchart, click the load saved chart link and select the file that you saved.

To share a chart with a co-worker, click the send by email link at the bottom of the page.

2019-03-24: Add ability to generate a link to the chart without composing an email.

2018-08-17: Add podium and podium music stand Updates galore!teach to be happy.

2018-08-15: Add Notes box and ability to set chair fill colors

2018-03-01: Add ability to set chair colors

2018-02-26: Add ability to flip chart to be seen from the perspective of the band members

2018-02-24: Add ability to download charts as PDF

2018-02-19: Make charts less blurry when printed

2016-08-23: Add ability to set custom labels on chairs, save and load chart data to files, and send chart links by email

2015-05-23: Allow chairs to be hidden, add help document, add option to create straight rows

2014-09-22: Add seat scale option

2014-02-24: Add music stand options, add save/load functionality

Free Classroom Seating Chart App

2014-01-24: Add link to create additional rows (seriously, you guys needed more than 8?!?!)

2013-03-04: Add option to add letters to each row

Seating Chart App Free

2012-02-06: Fix for older browsers

2012-02-04: First release

When you are finished, you can print this page (landscape mode is recommended) or download a PDF of this chart.
You can also save this chart to edit later, copy a link to this chart, or send a link to this chart by email.

Free Classroom Seating Chart App

Link to this chart:

Please contact for assistance and include the code below:

Restaurant Seating Chart App Free

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