An Activity For Everyonehealthy Active Living

Healthy Active Living

Growing Healthy Flipchart

Sadly the Pembroke 50+ Active Living Centre is closed for in-house activities until at least Jan. You can still get your exercise through the Zoom classes offered by emailing Connie at connie.

Healthy habits start early in life. Encouraging and supporting very young children to enjoy active play and choose healthy foods can set a lifelong pattern of healthy active living. There are lots of ways to grow healthy but you don't have to do them all at once. The 5-2-1-0 message provides suggestions for building healthy, active lives for everyone. Staff can share this information with parents as a reminder to make healthy choices every day.

Active Living Every Day and Healthy Eating Every Day are behavior change programs published and supported by Human Kinetics, the information leader in physical activity and health. To learn more about Human Kinetics, click here. We are dedicated to helping people improve their health and quality of life. Active living is one solution to turn back this trend. Tree lawns contribute to perceptions of more walkable streets, which can promote more physical activity in children and youth. 18 In one study elderly people that had nearby parks, tree-lined streets, and space for taking walks showed higher longevity over a 5-year study period. Keeping bones, joints, and muscles healthy can help ensure that you’re able to do your daily activities and be physically active. Doing aerobic, muscle-strengthening, and bone-strengthening physical activity at a moderately-intense level can slow the loss of bone density that comes with age.

These supplemental pages look at serving sizes for the different age groups and how they are different from adult portions. There are talking points for home visitors to use with families when discussing how to develop healthy meal routines.

An Activity For Everyonehealthy Active Living Things

Growing Healthy Family Goals Worksheet

An Activity For Everyonehealthy Active Living

All parents know that they should teach their children to eat healthy and encourage them to exercise. However, that can be hard to do, especially when it feels like everything about your current lifestyle needs to change. Head Start and Early Head Start staff may use this worksheet with families to help them start behaviors that will improve the health and wellness of everyone at home. The 5-2-1-0 message provides suggestions for building healthy, active lives for everyone in the family.

Growing Healthy Family Postcard


The 5-2-1-0 message provides suggestions for building healthy, active lives for everyone in the family. Staff can share this postcard with parents to put on the refrigerator as a reminder to make healthy choices every day.


Food Faces and Salsa Gardens: Fostering Healthy Habits with Young Children

Ever wonder what staff can do to promote children’s health? Learn why and how to promote healthy habits for children’s nutrition, physical activity, and safety. Also, discover ways to help families continue healthy habits at home.

Active Play: Tips for Families

Head Start health managers and family service staff can use this fact sheet to share information with families on the NCH priority, active play. It includes tips families can use to help young children develop positive active play behaviors.

An Activity For Everyonehealthy Active Living Community

Healthy Active Living: Tips for Health Managers

This fact sheet helps Head Start health managers provide important information to program staff on the NCH identified health priority, healthy active living. It includes concrete information on the importance of physical activity, a healthy diet, and quality sleep to the overall growth, development, and learning of young children.

Health Services Newsletter: Healthy Active Living (July 2014)

Health managers are in a position to support and enhance the healthy, active living initiatives Head Start programs provide to children and their families. This edition of the newsletter offers strategies to engage staff and parents.


Keywords:Physical activity

Resource Type:Article

National Centers:Health, Behavioral Health, and Safety

Last Updated: November 4, 2020

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