Making Your Website Fresh, Polished And Appealing

Back in the day when websites were all about content, web design wasn’t too much of an issue. As long as you had amazing content, the overall look of your website wouldn’t matter. Of course, times are a-changin’, and keeping your website fresh and updated is now a default strategy for any site owner.

  1. Making Your Website Fresh Polished And Appealing Skin
  2. Making Your Website Fresh Polished And Appealing People
  3. Making Your Website Fresh Polished And Appealing For A
  4. Making Your Website Fresh Polished And Appealing Water

Site visitors have become more meticulous in choosing the company and brand to patronize, based on the websites that they visit. More than textual content and aesthetically pleasing web design, keeping your website fresh is of utmost importance to retain customers and encourage potential clients.

Keeping Your Website Fresh: Website Maintenance. Whether you’re working on your website or doing the gardening, maintenance is key to appeal. Make sure you take off old products before replacing them with new ones. Update information and change the look of the site every now and then. Whether you're going out for a night on the town, hanging out with your spouse, or going to school, if you want to up your sex appeal, make your own comfort and confidence a priority. For some of us, that might mean rocking a new pair of pumps and a tight-fitting dress, while others of us might feel more confident in a straightforward shirt.

If your website has been around for a while – and you’ve been using the same design and theme for years – maybe it’s time for a little upgrading. Especially when your site begins to get a steady increase in traffic, returning visitors may want to see the same outstanding features in your site, but would also expect to have some changes that would make them more interested.

How Often Should Websites Be Updated?

Whether you own a personal blog, a corporate website or an e-commerce store, it is essential to keep your website fresh by updating it on a regular basis. The frequency of updating the website can be based on many factors.

For instance, it may be a waste of your effort to update a corporate website as often as you would an e-commerce store. If you are running an online store, you may have products posted online that are no longer offered, or you may have new products to sell.

This holds true for personal blogs, in which followers may want to receive new and fresh information from the blogger. As a general rule, publishing three new blog posts in a week is enough to keep your followers coming back.

Corporate websites are a bit difficult to update once the website has been published. However, some websites incorporate news releases and blog posts within their site, all of which can help increase the interest of online visitors.

Why Some Websites Fail to Capture a Good Following

The reasons why corporate websites fail may be due to the following reasons:

  • Not allocating enough resources to make it work (both money and time)
  • Article titles not strong enough to catch the attention of online visitors
  • Lack of useful, unique and informative content
  • Lacking the knowledge of using the right keywords
  • Not giving it enough time
  • Not measuring the effectiveness and ROI from blogging
  • Wrong choice of blogging platform

Tips In Making Your Website Fresh

In order to captivate the attention of online visitors – especially the ones who are returning and expecting more – you should create a website that is not only pleasing to the eyes, but is also full of information that they need.

If you want to make your website fresh like the morning dew, here are some tips to freshen up your pages:

1. Add a blog

What makes a website come alive is the amount and quality of information that makes visitors come back frequently. For instance, if you are running a business consultation firm, you may add articles that can help visitors understand about business and other topics related to it. This is on top of citing the services that you can provide.

Your online visitors would want your website to be a one-stop shop where they can receive tips on how to start and maintain a business, the sacrifices that an entrepreneur may face, the qualities of a good entrepreneur, and more.


While you may have created a list of topics that you want to feature on the blog, make your articles as concise as possible. A long article can bore out users, which can then eventually lead them to leave the website. On the other hand, a brief article piece may turn off search bots due to lack of authority in the topic.

2. Provide opportunities for discussion

Online visitors are not satisfied with merely looking at the products or services on a website. Some of them may have questions that they would want to be answered.

For this purpose, putting up a forum allows them to talk to other customers who have bought your product or sought your service. The forum will become a lively channel for people to exchange ideas, product reviews, and other experiences.

3. Add videos

We are in the age where videos play a very significant part of our life. For instance, adding tutorial videos for DIY websites can encourage online visitors and existing clients to view the video files.

Thing thing arena free flash games play. As for other types of businesses or industries, marketing campaigns using videos are extremely powerful forms of media to hype up your company or business.

Of course, in order to pull this off successfully, you need a team solely for generating video content. This group of people may include (but is not limited to) camera personnel, videographers, video editors, segment directors, cinematographers, writers, and actors.

4. Repurpose old content

Old blog posts or articles may still be considered valuable for the current generation of readers, and the best way to put it back into circulation is by updating or repurposing the old content.

Here are some techniques in bringing life back to your old articles:

  • Write a spin-off article from a subtopic in the original post
  • Put links to your popular posts on the sidebar or as a list on a new page
  • Convert your old articles into a downloadable whitepaper
  • Reformat your old content into new forms of media, such as an infographic or a video
  • Post your links on social media, and use a throwback reference
  • Change the post date to today, and add new content

5. Add event calendars

Want to let your site visitors expect something from you at specific days of the year? Send them alerts on key events of the year for your website – say, your company’s founding anniversary or an upcoming event. This technique keeps your website fresh and new, without having to add too much content (and only by using your existing calendar).

This strategy can be helpful for schools or non-profit organizations where they can have several activities lined up every month. This helps students, officials or members to be updated with the latest events.

6. Adding high-quality images or cinemagraphs

Online users usually stop at websites with attractive and colorful images. Lately, cinemagraphs have been trending in web design, since it can create a visually striking story that increases the interest of online visitors. These cinemagraphs has been found to have a positive impact on the click-through rate (CTR).

In other words, keep tabs with the latest image design trends, so that your site photos won’t look stale and obsolete.

7. Change the overall website design

Making Your Website Fresh Polished And Appealing Skin

Over time, the design of your website may look outdated. Because of this, there is a need to be aware of the latest trends that can help encourage online visitors to stay and browse through the whole website. Being left with a design that has been in existence for more than 10 years may not encourage people to stay, since recent web designs provide a more pleasant experience to the users.

Making Your Website Fresh Polished And Appealing People

On the flip side, it may be necessary to retain the style of the page where the customers have been accustomed to. It’s up to you to decide where your site visitors are leaning towards, in terms of changing your web design.

Making Your Website Fresh Polished And Appealing For A

However, if your website is recently plagued with errors and threats of malware, then it may be time to update your website design, both on the front and backend. More than aesthetics, one of the biggest reasons to change your site design is security.

Making Your Website Fresh Polished And Appealing Water


Updating a website requires time, effort and money. But instead of looking at this as a burden, it should be perceived as something worthwhile. Not only will it help to increase the traffic on your website, but it may also increase the revenue for your business.

We hope you find these tips on making your website fresh again helpful. On a final note, your motivation for updating your website should be customer satisfaction – that your site visitors will be happy browsing through your site and getting an amazing user experience.

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